The Constitution

Company & Charitable Status

The Fitzrovia Trust was established in 1985.  We are a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity (Registration Number 296025).  The Trust has a wholly owned trading company which operates where charitable status is inappropriate.  The main objectives of the Trust are as follows:

To preserve for the benefit of the townspeople of Camden and Westminster and surrounding areas in the County of London and of the nation at large, whatever of the English historical, architectural and constructional heritage may exist in and around the area known as Fitzrovia in the form of buildings or land of particular beauty or historical, architectural or constructional interest.

To prevent or relieve poverty in Camden and Westminster and surrounding areas by:

Provision of affordable accommodation to individuals and/or other organisations working to prevent or relieve povert.

Working in partnership with other organisations in the provision of services or facilities in Fitzrovia.

What the charity does

General charitable purposes.

Education and training.

Accommodation and housing.

Environment, conservation and heritage.

Economic, community development and employment.

We aim to help children, young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, people of a particular ethnic or racial origin, other charities or voluntary bodies, the general public and mankind.