
Management Council Members

The Management Council is responsible for maintaining a membership that reflects and supports the Trust’s mission and values.  As a matter of policy we will seek to ensure that Fitzrovia Trust has a broad based membership which reflects its constitution and the communities it serves.

Management Council Meeting Dates

Next meeting : TBA

Venue :  The Fitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL

Anyone living or working in Fitzrovia is welcome to attend either or both meetings

Contact Colin at if you’d like to receive the papers.

The Trust is looking for new Trustees to help us improve Fitzrovia for those who live and work here.

If you’re interested, please read more information about what we do, and if interested, please complete the form below.

The Trustees

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Sue Blundell


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John Mortimer


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Nick Bailey


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Barbara Corr


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Ali Yazdi


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Gwilym Harbottle


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Cllr Sue Vincent

Co-opted onto the Management Council by the London Borough of Camden


Colin Bascom

Colin Bascom


What We Do

The Management Council is responsible for maintaining a membership that reflects and supports the Trust’s mission and values.  As a matter of policy, we will seek to ensure that Fitzrovia Trust has a broad based membership which reflects its constitution and the communities it serves.  Our membership is an important means of enhancing and demonstrating accountability to the people who live and work in the Fitzrovia community.

The Trust welcomes applications from individuals from ethnic minority communities who are currently underrepresented within the organisation.

Membership is open to:


Individuals living in the Fitzrovia area.


People who have established businesses in Fitzrovia.


Committed Individuals

Individuals who have an interest in and commitment to the work of Fitzrovia Trust.

The Trust believes that young people have a vital role to play in its activities and is keen to extend membership to young people aged 18 years and over who live in Fitzrovia.

The Rights of Members:

All members are entitled to receive a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts.

All members must be invited to the General Meeting and Special General Meetings.

Members have the right to information about the Trust’s affairs and they can obtain this from the director or Management Council members.  Information classified as Confidential cannot be disclosed to members.

From time to time, the director will send out a report on the Trust’s performance to the members, and they may make comments or representations on its contents.

Interested in joining Fitzrovia Trust?

The Fitzrovia Trust is a membership organisation and seeks to recruit as members, individuals with an interest in its work and who can make effective use of their skills, views and experience.  Members of the Trust are entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Trust and seek election to the Management Council.

To apply for membership, please complete the form below

Application for Membership

I support the aims and objectives of The Fitzrovia Trust